Think about how many times you have driven passed someone holding up a cardboard sign in need of food, work or money. Now think about how many times you have stopped and offered them help. I don't know about you, but I have been guilty of ignoring them the majority of the time, except for this one occasion I decided to stop. My day was super hectic from the start, I got off work later then expected, and I had to rush over to a dance studio in Draper to teach. I was in such a rush and I was sitting at a red light yelling at it to turn green! Then, I looked over and saw a man pushing his child in a stroller and holding a red gas can. He was waving at me asking for me to roll my window down. The light turned green and I was ready to push the pedal to the metal and be on my way, instead I stopped because he seemed like he really needed help. I pulled over and rolled my window down and he said, "Excuse me ma'am, this is already embarrassing as it is but I ran out of gas and was wondering if you had a few dollars to spare. I can wash your windows or something in return."The man offering to work for the money showed a lot about his character. It really made me stop and think, if I was in his same position I would want somebody to stop and lend me a hand. After talking to him, I gave him the three dollars I had on me. He was so grateful and had a smile on his face from ear to ear. Because I stopped for those three minutes, I made a difference in somebody's day and maybe even their life. People, including myself, get so caught up in the activities going on throughout the day that we don't stop for a second and think how we can help someone else. It can be something as simple as a smile, or even a wave that can brighten up somebodies day. It was such an awesome experience being able to be a part of such a simple act of kindness that made a BIG difference...and that's what I like to call... an AWE MOMENT!
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